Jessica Goerold Scenic Artist

At right, I've compiled a gallery of various shows that I've worked on. It's by no means comprehensive, but gives a good overview of my skills.
I've cropped and done a small amount of colour correction to give the best representation of the work, but otherwise, the photos haven't been enhanced.

warehouse windows - distressed with various colours of shellac

translucent shoji screen - watercolor techniques with regular scenic paint

painterly opera flats in progress

painterly opera flats

stylized "brick" floor - painted in layers of colour

Russian cityscape in the style of Boris Zvorykin - six individual painted muslin panels

translucent shoji screen - watercolor techniques with regular scenic paint

translucent shoji screen - watercolor techniques with regular scenic paint

scrim wall with sheep painting

translucent shoji screen - watercolor techniques with regular scenic paint

distressed doors - white glue and paint, heated to produce a crackled effect

portrait of the Lunts - note the 3" tall black and white photocopied "elevation" in the upper right corner

a translucent reproduction of Picasso's painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

floor segment - painted to look sandy, cracked and weathered

translucent shoji screen - watercolor techniques with regular scenic paint

I would have loved to include this show in the Stage Shots section, but I didn't get a chance to take photos of the finished product. Suffice to say there were a lot of textures and shades of white.

backdrop in progress - Tintoretto's Massacre of the Innocents

stenciled wallpaper - each stencil layer was hand drawn and hand cut

one of the fake Rothko paintings for RED

stenciled snowflakes - looking down on the stage from the catwalk, you can see the wide range of sizes

all of the scenery was a sort of collage in black and white, with a few areas of muted ochre

a very small portion of a very large textured background wall, which included various types of textures and wear patterns (brick, stucco, plaster walls, painted or "unpainted")

marble floor - painted to look like department store floor tiles

12" architectural rosettes - before paint - made from green floral foam

carved 12" rosette

translucent shoji screen - watercolor techniques with regular scenic paint

winter cutout trees

two part tree backdrop

tree details

painted hardwood floor